Monday, January 17, 2005

Hello world - blog version

So I have decided to build a blog. I will share here my reflections about Life, Universe and Everything which are somewhat not organized enough to put on my main website. We'll see how much time I'll manage to spend on this beast. But I like to share thoughts with the world, and I like to ponder about Life, Universe and Everything so it probably won't be totally empty...

Choosing a blog was not easy. I like the discussion board format of the comments in livejournal, and I like the category option of movable type, but I found livejournal too slow and didn't want to play with the Perl scripts of movable type or pay for typepad since I'm just testing the blog world... So I chose blogger, now owned by Google, which probably explains why it is so fast.

A question which naturally arises is: why the hell am I writing a blog? For me, it will be to organize the reflections which naturally pop up in my mind at any time of day, to improve a bit my writing skills (which have been seriously damaged by spending my whole undergraduate career in hardcore sciences) and to share this with the world. The sharing aspect arises from a mix of narcissism, exhibitionism and a genuine belief that I may say something interesting... ;o)

Anyhow, enjoy the reading!


Simon Lacoste-Julien said...

An interesting thing with this blog is that I can start a conversation with myself by commenting my own posts...

AdamTest said...

You were off to such a fine start! What happened to your blog? :o